Wednesday 5 August 2009

'The Third Person Chronicles' Prt 1

The Third Person Chronicles Prt 1

By popular demand I’ve decided to give in to the temptations of revealing certain anomalies in my mind. You will read aspects of my evolution and become to learn about the nature of the beast called ‘The Third Person Chronicles’. Welcome to IsaaksWorld.

Its been rough tough and perhaps sometimes ‘impossible’, 2 years ago, a tragedy befell me, I lost my younger brother Tayo ‘Puffy’ Badru to a disease yet to be named, instead a series of unknown causes were thrown at me as if I was a complete idiot and I hadn’t known what had really gone down, In any case a precious life was lost….

Before his passing most knew him for an aspiring individual who had ambition, ambition rivalled by none other, a piercing ambition that brought fame and fortune within a community that yearned for a prize prince, my brother was a King amongst Kings, a prince amongst princes, he had gone suddenly, No!, he had gone abruptly.

A shower of dark mists shrouded with uncertain questions descended upon me, what was I to do? How was I to feel? What was I to do? These were the questions flowing through my mind…’Tayo, why did you have to go and leave me like this, you have so much to live for’ the first question I battled myself asking. Well so it was, my brother, for whom I was supposed to be his keeper, his guiding light through all those dark tunnels, never quite made it out of that long distant dark tunnel, my light was too faint for him to find for guidance (my thoughts at the time, perhaps still), I didn’t feel I had done enough to save my brother.. he was gone, with his departure , a large chunk of my mind, body and spirit left with him.

How many of you have lost someone and felt the need to keep all your various emotions and feelings pent up for fear of completely adopting the feeling of what I like to call ‘spiritual decimation’? where your mind, spirit and eventually your body shuts down completely becoming a zombie, I didn’t want this, I couldn’t allow for this to happen, no way, my father, mother and sister were looking for me to be the man of the house and deal with this accordingly…this would almost become my Achilles heel.

In Nigeria as a parent, it is tradition to never bury your child if fortune should disagree with you and take them away, so yours truly had to plan everything along with help I must add, nevertheless it was all on me to be composed and sane enough to go through all the emotions of a broken man and I did. My brother Tayo P Badru passed away on the 15th of June 2007 (2 months before his 28th birthday) at approximately 3:15 pm and I buried him on the 2nd Of July 2007. R.I.P Tayo…

Now the music, the business, the hard work to re-assemble a broken business left in a shroud of mess had to be redeveloped and nurtured back to where it truly belonged, at the top of its game, the top of the ladder…AlliAnce Music.. contrary to popular belief, this amongst other ventures was my brothers pride and joy, this was escape-ism from the norm, as this business was not the ordinary, it was and is quite simply an extraordinary entity and I hope to prove this in latter episodes of my BLoG entitled The Third Person Chronicles….

Summary from the Author:
This particular episodes is for all those going through pain, heartache and confusion, you are not alone, but know this, you will be ok, you have to be ok, it is your God given right to be ok, for without these problems, how could we ever expect to derive an answer to ultimately make us knowledgeable and wise human beings? Look out of the window into the cerulean like skies and tell yourself pain is love and love is progression, for you have to feel pain to be able to feel, value and respect love and being loved. You are truly blessed.

Thank you for reading and please look out for ‘The Third Person Chronicles’ Prt 2, coming soon………..


  1. Love the truth still have one brother in this world g.for life.Adrian

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. So appropriate for right now Isaak.

    Thanks for listening and keep being the strong brother you are!

    I admire your strength of character, keep it moving, YOU are blessed.


  4. Thank you Adrian.. my brother for life..
    Thank you Adelaide..My Friend for life..

    Thank you.

  5. Afolashade badru5 August 2009 at 15:55

    lovely lovely lovely alot of memories that cant be forgotten but at the end we should all thank the Almighty... nice weldone

  6. Great pieces can't wait for more.

  7. Kim Sterling-Haig8 August 2009 at 00:54

    This is incredibly moving and uplifting at the same time, not to mention so eloquently put. Looking forward to reading Part 2, 3, 4, 5.... you get my drift. God Bless you Isaak xx

  8. You know my sentiments already. As a writer, I view the written word as therapy, cathartic and inspirational. You have conveyed all of those elements. Keep strong and keep on doing what you're doing hun. You're doing well BFF..x

    (and at this rate may well have me out of a job):) Cxx

  9. Bro I knew you back from Kingston Uni days, we just used to say hi to each other at the time. I just came across your facebook profile and got a link to your blog. Sorry to hear the news and may hie legacy live on.

    Keep your spirits up bro.

  10. Thank you all once again, really appreciate you reading my blog.. More chapters will follow shortly..

    Thank you my old uni friend, much appreciated...

    Thank you Emmie

  11. This man is my manager im thankful xx Thank you Isaak we are close i can feel it we are close and he knows it. x
